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List of Industrial | EBM Music Genres and Subgenres
There are many variations of industrial and EBM music, at FeeLIT Records we strive to and carefully select the latest up-to-date popular and hard to find titles on vinyl & CD releases
Here are some subgenres inspired by industrial music:
Industrial techno: A subgenre of techno that emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It's characterized by a dark, aggressive, and heavy sound that incorporates industrial and noise music elements.
Electronic body music (EBM): A combination of industrial, synthpunk, and dance music. It's considered one of the most infectious and danceable genres under the goth umbrella.
Electro-industrial: A substyle inspired by industrial music.
Industrial rock: A substyle inspired by industrial music.
Industrial metal: A substyle inspired by industrial music.
Industrial pop: A substyle inspired by industrial music.
Martial industrial: A substyle inspired by industrial music.
Power noise: A substyle inspired by industrial music.
Witch house: A substyle inspired by industrial music.
deathrock, post-punk, gothic metal, electro, shock rock, dark ambient, and so forth.
I hope this list serves as a good starting point if you're looking for new stuff to get into.
There's always more out there so feel free to leave a comment if there's another artist you'd like to mention.
13 Candles
13th Chime
45 Grave
The 69 Eyes
Acid Bats
Aeon Sable
Age of Heaven
The Agnes Circle
Alien Sex Fiend
All About Eve
Altar De Fey
And Also the Trees
Angels of Liberty
Arts of Erebus
Ash Code
Astari Night
Autumn Twilight
The Awakening
Bat Nouveau
Batzz in the Belfry
The Beauty of Gemina
Bella Morte
The Bellwether Syndicate
Ben Bloodygrave
Big Electric Cat
Bleib Modern
Bloody Dead and Sexy
Box and the Twins
Boy Harsher
Canis Lupus
Rozz Williams of Christian Death (credit: Edward Colver)
Catherine's Cathedral
Children on Stun
Christian Death
Christine Plays Viola
Christ vs. Warhol
Cinema Strange
Clan of Xymox
Cocteau Twins
Cold Cave
Corpus Delicti
The Crüxshadows
The Cure
Current 93
The Creatures
The Damned
Danse Society
Das Ich
Dead Can Dance
Death in June
Deine Lakaien
Depeche Mode
The Devil and The Universe
Diamanda Galás
Diary of Dreams
Diavol Strain
Disjecta Membra
Diva Destruction
Double Echo
Drab Majesty
Dr Arthur Krause
Dreadful Shadows
Dream Disciples
Fear Cult
Dronning Maud Land
The Drowning Season
Earth Calling Angela
The Eden House
Einstürzende Neubauten
Eva O
Ex VoTo
The Fair Sex
Faith and the Muse
Fear Cult
Fields of the Nephilim
Forever Grey
Forthcoming Fire
Frank the Baptist
The Frozen Autumn
Garden of Delight
Gary Numan
Gene Loves Jezebel
Geometric Vision
Girl Loves Dead Boys
Girls Under Glass
Gitane Demone
Glorious Din
Godless Procession
Golden Apes
Grooving in Green
Ground Nero
Guillotine Dream
Horror Vacui
Tilo Wolff of Lacrimosa
The House of Usher
In Death it Ends
In Mitra Medusa Inri
Into the Abyss
Joy Division
Kælan Mikla
Keller Kinder
Killing Joke
Kirlian Camera
La Scaltra
The Last Dance
Lebanon Hanover
Light Asylum
Linea Aspera
London After Midnight
Long Night
Love is Colder Than Death
Love Like Blood
Male Tears
The March Violets
Mephisto Walz
Merciful Nuns
The Merry Thoughts
The Mescaline Babies
The Mission
Molchat Doma
Morbid Poetry
Mors Syphilitica
Near Earth Orbit
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Sean Brennan of London After Midnight
Nocturnal Sea
October Burns Black
Opened Paradise
Oppenheimer Analysis
Paralysed Age
Pilgrims of Yearning
Pink Turns Blue
Pins and Needles
Plastique Noir
Pretentious, Moi?
Project Pitchfork
Projeto Renfield
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
Red Sun Revival
Rendez Vous
Ritual Howls
The Rope
Rosetta Stone
Rot On The March
Sanguis et Cinis
The Screaming Marionettes
Screams for Tina
Seraphim Shock
Seraphin Twin
Sex Gang Children
Shadow Image
Shadow Project
She Past Away
She Pleasures Herself
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Sixth June
The Sisters of Mercy
Skeletal Family
Skinny Puppy
Solemn Novena
Anna Varney Cantodea of Sopor Aeternus
Sopor Aeternus and the Ensemble of Shadows
Soviet Soviet
The Spiritual Bat
Spiritual Bats
Ssleeping Desiress
Star Industry
Stranger and Lovers
The Stompcrash
Strap On Halo
Sweet Ermengarde
Switchblade Symphony
The Tears of Blood
Terminal Gods
Theatre of Hate
Then Comes Silence
They Feed At Night
This Cold Night
Twin Tribes
Two Witches
Type O Negative
Umbra et Imago
Velvet Acid Christ
Velvet Condom
Violet Stigmata
Virgin in Veil
Virgin Prunes
Vision Video
Voodoo Church
The Wake
Whispers in the Shadow
Witching Hour
XIII Století
Xmal Deutschland
Your Life on Hold
Electronic body music (EBM) is a genre of electronic music that combines elements of industrial music and synth-punk with elements of dance music. It developed in the early 1980s in Western Europe, as an outgrowth of both the punk and the industrial music cultures. It combines sequenced repetitive basslines, programmed dance music rhythms, and mostly undistorted vocals and command-like shouts with confrontational or provocative themes.
The evolution of the genre reflected "a general shift towards more song-oriented structures in industrial as to a general turn towards the dancefloor by many musicians and genres in the era of post-punk. It was considered a part of the European new wave and post-punk movement and the first style that blended synthesized sounds with an ecstatic style of dancing (e.g. pogo).
EBM gained a stable following in the second half of the 1980s. Around that period, a youth-cultural scene emerged from EBM whose followers describe themselves as EBM-heads or (in North America) as rivetheads.
Dawn of Ashes (early)
Forma Tadre (Navigator)